sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

Classroom management

Be quiet please! Silence! Don’t be so noisy! … There are many times that teachers have to ask children for silence during the class. But what happens when the typical phrases do not work and children are still talking? We have to use our imagination and think of other effective ways to grab the attention of pupils.
These days, in class we have been learning different ways to achieve this objective and I would like to share them on this blog. Lets’s see!

1. Teaching students a three or four – line rhyme:

You have to teach it first and maintain it. Once they have learned, you can say the first line and they can respond with the second and the third or you can say the beginning of each sentence and they can continue. One example could be:
      One, two, three -> Look at me. descarga
      Four and five -> Do the jay.
      Six, seven, eight -> Concentrate!

2. Singing a song:

Sometimes, when we star the class a good resource we can use to get pupils’ attention is to sing a song.The first time, we need to teach the song and the rhythm but once they have learned, they will start to sing when music starts playing.
A song that we have learnt in class this week has been: Wind the bobbin up. We can sing the usual song and miming with our hands the first times. Once they know, we can change some parts of the lyrics (point to the table, point to the nose) and say other objects of the class  or even skip a few words and see if they are able to remember them .
Fun is guaranteed!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDcAHLuYNjI

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